Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Game Changer.

It was one of those moments when you realised the bar had just been raised and everything from now on would be compared to this one event.
For me, social media for radio stations has a new level to aspire to.
Not just me...I received messages from all over claiming this to be "Maybe the best promo video ever".
We've all seen (and probably been part of) in-house videos.
Usually a presenter or someone in the office has an idea, a "wouldn't it be funny if..." idea. Someone grabs a phone and the idea is filmed in the hallways or studio. Five minutes later it's on YouTube and receives 301 views!
No harm done?
If you want to shoot phone footage and post it online, then keep it for your personal accounts. Stick it on your Instagram, FB or Twitter. Your casual attitude can be endearing.
But for anything appearing on the radio station's platforms, it needs to be amazing.
FB Live is a great example. I monitor an unhealthy amount of radio and the vast majority of FB Live content consists of a person holding a phone, filming the presenter while all audio is picked up by the phone microphone.
Twelve year old kids can do a better job.
Channel 4 in Dubai work studio footage really well. Audio is from the desk feed, video is taken from mounted, automated HD cameras. Simple but effective. They run graphics and text too, in the station colours and fonts.
Their presenters have their own social media accounts but the station ones reflect the brand very well.
Q107 in Toronto is another example of proper use of Live footage. They ony ever go live when they have specific content - studio guests, online-only contests etc.
The Today FM promo is big budget and has the feel of a movie trailer...not all content can do that. However, being professional means a decent camera, decent audio and good editing. Plus a good reason to film in the first place!
Radio station online content produced by office staff on a mobile phone damages the station's image and reputation.

I watched the Today FM promo and it encouraged me to check out their website.
Job done.
By the way, as of my writing this, the only place to view the video is on the station's website and Social Media. They take full control and always bring you back to their brand.

Click here to view on FB.

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