
Radio Presenter Workshop

Do you want a nice, relaxing afternoon talking about radio where we tell you you're great and that everything you are doing is exactly the right path to forging your way in your career?

Do you want us to show you what worked for other presenters years ago and how that might work for you?

Well then - this isn't the Workshop for you.


If the thought of spending three hours in the most honest, open and challenging radio environment - a place where we focus 100% on YOUR unique abilities and skills - appeals...then this is what you have been looking for.

During the THREE HOUR Workshop, we will listen to your audio and we will work through your own particular strengths .
THEN we will plan a course of action for you
Tailor made for YOU
This is YOU making decisions for YOU.

On Purpose!

This is not a seminar.
This is not 'some radio bloke' telling you stories about radio and leaving you with generic tips.

It's very easy to sit and wait and hope but NO ONE is waiting for you to come knocking.
It's vital these days to pin point your strengths and develop them.
When the call comes you need to be READY.

This is WORK!

We thrash out 
WHO you are, 
WHAT you want to do in radio and 
HOW to get you there.
Warts and all.

Take Control of your career
Take control of your life. 
It's ALL up to you!

Right now you might feel you have a rough idea what you want to do next. 
'Might' turns into definite 'knowing' after the Three hours...and the result WILL surprise you.

I have worked with over TWO THOUSAND presenters in Ireland, the UK, Canada, UAE, South Africa and the USA since 2007. Many have gone on to win awards, work in TV, become YouTube stars and (Yes) market leaders in their role as radio presenters.

This is what I do!

My career on air has spanned 
National Radio in Ireland (RTE, Today FM), local (98FM, Q102
the UK (Atlantic 252, BBC 6Music, Jack FM), 
Canada (Q107 Toronto, CKZZ Vancouver).

I have consulted for stations in Asia and currently coach presenters in , Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Belfast, Glasgow, London, Durban, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.

"But there are no jobs in Radio" - You hear that a lot. Mostly from people who don't have a job in radio."There's no money in radio" - Again, usually from people making little money from radio!"Radio has no future" - YOU are the future!

Your future either starts NOW or at some vague undetermined point..
Only you can decide.

I am Passionate about your success!

This Workshop has a 10 Person limit.

Your move :)

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