Monday, December 19, 2016

RIP Scruff Connors.

You don't always have to meet people to understand the effect they have had on your life and career.
I never met Scruff Connors, but I am aware of what he did and who he was and the fact that his existence laid the ground work for the likes of me - the ones who followed him.
Scruff Connors was a leggend in the Toronto radio market in the 80s. His was the type of radio I would catch snippets of on cassette and try to emulate. His was the kind of style that reached out and did more...always looking to entertain and catch your attention.
I never met the man but am so happy he was here.
He passed away yesterday aged 64.
Somebody, in a radio studio somewhere, every single day is using an element of radio they learned from him. Whether that be first, second or third hand.
Influence is not something that disappears when you leave.

RIP Scruff Connors.

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