Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Who Are Ya ??

I spend a lot of my time explaining to programmers what it is I do exactly.
"So you aircheck..." Well, yes. Yes  do...but not the way a PD does.
"So you train..." Yes, I do. If the person needs 'training'.
"So you teach..." There's an element of teaching alright, but not always.
"So...what is it you do??".

Can't blame them really. There's no actual, written in stone, description for what a Radio Presenter Coach does.
Some people need motivation, others don't. Some want technical guidance, others don't. One presenter may just need a confidence boost, others need to face their reality.
There's no One-Size-Fits-All method to coaching and that's tough for a programmer to nail down.
Presenters get it. They 'get it' because once we start our work together, they realise the process is aimed exclusively at them. No one else.

Swansea City coach Bob Bradley arrived at the Premier league club recently to howls of protest. He's American , you see...and the pundits demanded to know what a Yank could teach them about football.
Turns out he brought one valuable lesson they hadn't expected. When asked his main strength, he said "I know who I am".
In other words, whatever criticism is levelled at him or how many times he hears comments questioning his abiities, he can deal with them because he knows his strengths and weaknesses. He knows how to be the best he can be. He knows what will work for hm and his players and he passes that onto them.

If I had to sum up what a Radio Presenter Coach does, it's just that - helping presenters find out who they are, so they can use that on air. That helps the radio station sound confident, solid and in control wheteher it be CHR, Talk, AC...
What programmer wouldn't want that?

Thanks for asking :)  

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