Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How to be Average and Mediocre.

I'm a big fan of marketing writer and thinker Seth Godin.
What he writes about 'average' and 'mediocre' can easily be used to debate radio.

If you're spending the money and taking the financial risk - average makes sense. Average output is what you want. It builds reliabiity and predictability. An average product for an average market - so you hear the same songs and similar promotions on different stations, with presenters pretty much saying what they said yesterday. 
Nice and safe. 

But (he says), for groups - average can mean mediocre. Not worth seeking out. Boring. And remember, your listeer listens in groups of one.

Average stuff is fine for a while. It's taken for granted, not talked about. 
It's fine...until something new and above average shows up. 

As a presenter, you generally have very little control over station output...music, promos etc. What you DO have control over is what comes out of your mouth.
It can be average = mediocre = taken for granted.
Or you can try something.

I'm not saying you need to go out and break format and shock jock the life out of your listener...but try something that's not average. Try raise your game. Mediocrity is not why you are on air. Be great at what you do. Be above average every day.
Life's too short to be average at something you love. 

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