Friday, November 4, 2016

Secret Weapon They Don't Teach You.

Ever see one of those ads that claim "Here's the secret they don't want you to know"?
Well, at the risk of sounding like one of IS somethng they don't tell you about - but usually it's because they DON'T know.

One of your most important weapons as a radio presenter is your voice. It's obvious, right? You have no career without a voice. It's the ONLY way you can make a living as a radio presenter.
So, how come we are never taught how to USE the voice?

We are airchecked about mechanics and elements per link and hooking and teasing etc. All very important, but once you master these and know them unconsciously - then what? How do you deliver your message as YOU?
Your voice.
I don't mean the 'sound' of your voice. I mean the way you use it as a tool for communication.

Do you know about the different effects a quiet or loud word can have on your listener? How you can change their emotion with a whisper or yell and how to harness the wonder of your voice to hit exactly where you want to?
Do you know how Olfactory, Auditory, Kinaesthetic words can impact a listener?
How saying "Let me tell you" and "Let me show you" attracts different people?
How vowels reveal your true emotion and how you can create that emotion with your listener?
Most PDs and consultants don't talk about this because they are not aware of it.
But you CAN be.
I call it the Thinking Behind The Talking. You do it every day in 'real' life.
Learn how to use your voice and learn how to make your words work for you.

Delivering words alone is like driving a Rolls Royce to the corner shop and back wearing a blindfold.

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