Monday, February 20, 2017

Timely Advice.

I stumbled upon an article in Inc. Magazine the other day that I thought could shed a bit of light on what we do in radio.

The article centred on a few very successful businesswomen and it asked them what career advice they wish they received earlier.

I picked a few...and 'radio-ised' them!

1. "Your Differences Will Propel You Forward If You Let Them".

Great place to start. I always say that the station who hired you, hired 'YOU'. Not someone who sounds like you. Find out who you are, what makes you different and USE it. 

2. "Never Feel Hemmed In By Your Job Description".

PDs...look away now!

Jessica Verrilli of Twitter says "take initiatve and follow your instincts". Can you do that on format...while pleasing the boss...? Of Course you can. With a bit of belief and planning. Which leads us to...

3. "Don't Overplan Because You Can't".

I'll take this in realtion to show prep, to mean - plan and prepare but be ready for the unexpected and figure out how to cope with it when it arrives.

4. "Don't Get Distracted by What You're Supposed To Do".

There's always something you need to do, or not do - play the ads, don't mess with the music, do a client read...The key here is to honour what is being asked of you (whatever it is) but recognise when it's time to try something. Anything. Doing only what you are supposed to do is the best way to stop your growth. Surprise yourself. 

5. "Always Know Your Value And Never Settle For Less".

Not just financially, but as a communicator. Be aware of what you bring to the radio station - when you bring in ratings, you are bringing in MONEY. Radio is a business (for the most part). What is your worth to the station?
But also, what is your personal worth to those you work with. What are you addng to their day? Keep doing it. 

Have fun :)