Monday, October 24, 2016

Hook Differently.

"Coming up..."
"On the way..."
"In a minute..."
"Right after this..."

You could say those in your sleep (you possibly do!)
It's not that easy coming up with NEW ways to say the same old things.
Sometimes you get a dose of inspiration, other times it just happens.

One of the great things about coaching a person regularly is you get to notice the little things - they're always the most important.
One presenter I work with hooked like this:
"I'll tell you more in two songs".

I love that.
Maybe you've heard that before - I hadn't.
It's simple, easy to understand and puts a time on an item without puttng a time on an item! Plus it highlghts that you play music (might sound obvious - but it's the little things).

Nothing worng with the other statements I used at the start....this one just sounded different.

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