Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Still Bored? Good!

I recently wrote a piece about being bored when on the air. That terrible taboo that presenters are not supposed to acknowledge!
Feedback was interestng. Some messages to me re-enforced the idea that if you're bored, you must be  "doing something wrong".
Well, y'see I don't look at it like that.
We're humans. Humans get bored.
You can be bored on holiday, at a concert on a date. Boredom strikes when it strikes. .
It's not the "wrong" holiday or concert or date.
The point about boredom is to acknowledge that it has happened.

The learning is - what to do about it.

When you're bored, it's nature's way of telling you that you need to make a change. Any change. Do something. This isn't workng anymore.
Boredom frees your mind to look for a solution. How can I 'cure' the boredom?
So when I talk about being bored on air, I mean it as somethng you can use to figure out a positive change. Maybe you need to re-think your links, your routine, your overall studio mindset. That's your call.

Instead of doing something wrong - I believe you are doing something right.
Listen to your boredom when it shows up.
It's telling you something about yourself.
Then try act upon it.

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