Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Which Direction Do You Go?

There are two ways you can look at yourself and your radio career.

You can:
Look ahead with excitement at what is possible.
Look ahead with trepidation at what is possible.

This is known as 'Working Towards' and 'Working Away From'.

One is fuelled by excitement and hope.
The other by fear and worry.

Radio presenters are creative people. We enjoy expressing our thoughts and ideas in original ways.
How you picture the result of those ideas can influence how you execute them on air.

If you 'Work Towards' a great link with desire and determination, you have a better chance of delivering the killer link than if you 'Work Away From'.
A series of great links becomes a great hour...great show..great week...

If you can learn how to craft and then trust your work, you will find this is a key part of being a great presenter because it gives you the freedom to express yourself with confidence (and support).

Then you can more naturally 'Work Towards'.

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